Chairman Message

集团董事长 程小波
2005年 上海市科技进步奖
2011年 中国CG产业最具影响力人物
2012年 中国文化创意领军人物
2019年 十大新经济领军人物
2019年 中宣部文化名家
2020年 诚信之星
2021年 年度视觉创意领军人物
风华正茂始无量,霸气长空终不休。和记官网数字科技集团,作为时代的弄潮儿,在日新月异、飞速发展的今天,和记官网?[app]官方网站一直追求着数字视觉科技与文化底蕴的完美融合。执世界数字视觉科技之牛耳、敢为人先,为客户创造超乎想象的视觉体验,为人类营造美好生活,是和记官网人的崇高理想,是和记官网人为之奋斗、为之拼搏的精神动力!风风雨雨、筚路蓝缕,在这样一 种奋斗精神的支撑下,和记官网?[app]官方网站取得了优异的成绩,向全世界人民奉献了包括索契冬奥会、里约奥运会等极具冲击力的数千个视觉盛宴,赢得了良好的口碑,树立了优秀的企业品牌,成为了国际领先的头部企业和视觉科技的独角兽。
"力求完美,方显卓越"是和记官网集团名字的来源,更是和记官网的品牌理念。完美与卓越,不仅仅是科技表现与艺术素养的要求,更是和记官网的核心价值观。一切为用户着想,为用户提供最完善、最完美、最无可挑剔的服务,甚至超越用户的期望,实现与用户的携手共赢,这就是和记官网! 在和记官网,最具驱动力的是和记官网人不断追求融合了视觉科技与文化的高品质艺术作品;最具凝聚力的是为了这个追求,和记官网人一起奋斗、不懈努力;最值得自豪的是当项目精美的呈现,和记官网人一起举杯畅饮,共同遨游在数字视觉科技与艺术的无限星空。和记官网就是这样一帮追梦人共同的家园。
千帆竞发,百舸争流,逆水行舟,不进则退。突破与创新,是时代赋予和记官网人的历史使命。数字科技的飞速发展、 日益激烈的市场竞争,对和记官网人既是严竣的挑战,也是和记官网人难得的历史性机遇,它迫使和记官网?[app]官方网站沉下心来,不断地加油充电,认认真真、踏踏实实地不断丰富和积淀自身的文化底蕴、艺术修为、研发创新。机遇,总是留给有准备的人,和记官网在过 去雄厚技术实力的基础上,遵循“以文化指导设计、以科技创新设计”的理念,不断突破行业极限,不断引领产品创新 ,不断创造奇迹,演绎历史与现代、科技与未来、穿越时空,多姿多彩,将数字视觉科技与文化艺术、会展博览、科普 教育、旅游体验、城市宣传和数字娱乐相结合,闯出了一片崭新的天地,开启了集团向着希望之光的大道,向着蔚蓝大 海的远航!
Great visual art works not only rely on profound cultural deposits and superb visual technology but also on tenacious ideals and feelings!
With full vigor and an ambition for dominance, Lifang Digital Technology Group, as a current leader of the times, has been pursuing the perfect combination of digital visual technology and culture in today’s society of constant changes and rapid development. It is a lofty ideal and the striving spiritual motivation of Lifang to pioneer and lead the world’s digital visual technology; offer clients incredible visual experience; and create a better life for mankind! Despite difficulties and hardships, Lifang people have achieved excellent results with the supports of such struggling spirits and have presented the people around the world with thousands of powerful visual feasts exemplified by Sochi Winter Olympic Games and Rio Olympic Games. We have won a good reputation, established an excellent enterprise brand image, and become a leading company internationally and a “unicorn” in visual technology.
“Strive for Perfection to Show Excellence” is the origin of the name of Lifang Group, and also the brand concept of Lifang. Perfection and excellence are not only the requirements for technological performance and artistic accomplishment, but also the core values of Lifang. This is Lifang, which takes consideration for users; provides users with most complete, perfect, and impeccable service; and exceeds users’ expectations to reach a win-win result! In Lifang, the strongest driving force is the continuous pursuit of Lifang people for high-quality artistic works that integrate visual technology and culture; the most cohesive force is the struggle and unremitting effort that Lifang people have made for this pursuit; and the proudest thing is that Lifang people can jointly celebrate the accomplishments made in the field of digital visual technology and art when the project is exquisitely presented. This is Lifang, a shared home for dreamers.
Among thousands of sails competing for development, the boat that makes no advance falls behind. Breakthrough and innovation are the historical missions given to Lifang people by the times. The rapid development of digital technology and increasingly fierce market competition are not only a serious challenge, but also a rare historical opportunity for Lifang people. It forces us to calm our minds; continue to improve ourselves; and earnestly and steadily enrich ourselves and accumulate our own cultural deposits, artistic cultivation, R&D and innovation. Opportunities are always for those who make preparations. Based on a strong technical strength in the past, Lifang follows the philosophy of “design guided by cultures and design innovated with science and technology”; continues to break limits of the industry, lead product innovation, and create miracles; interprets history and modernity, and technology and the future colorfully through time and space; and combines digital visual technology with culture and art, exhibitions, science popularization education, tourism experience, urban publicity and digital entertainment. Lifang Group creates a brand new world and sails on far and wide towards the path of hope and the vast blue sea!
“Lifang Global Vision Creative Center”, built by the Group with a total investment of several hundred million, is an international creative industry park that takes visual technology as the core and cultural creativity as the main means and combines traditional media and emerging technologies. In the global digital era, it provides rich spiritual food to the world, and gradually forms new industrial clusters across borders, regions, industries and fields. Visual language is the “Esperanto” of culture and art, and only nation is for the world. Lifang pursues the “Esperanto” of visual language to convey the positive energy of human civilization and the glory of Chinese nation. This is our dream and the direction we forge towards. “One day, I will be in the waves in full speed with sailcloth hoisted to pursue my own aspirations”. We will continue to head forward towards the grand goal of becoming the world’s top digital visual technology company and work with you to create brilliance with broad mind!